Norms and Expectations

Counterpane’s mission is to assist the development of students as academically and creatively engaged, community-sensitive, responsible people who know themselves well. It should be understood that our success in this mission is more a function of the self-discipline and the attitude of the student than of the student’s “intelligence quotient.” An understanding of the following points is crucial in order to be successful in this environment.

Initiative – Students must understand themselves to be the driving force behind their intellectual growth. Counterpane teachers and staff are facilitators for students’ intellectual pursuits; they are not the source of initiative, which must come from within each student.

Self-discipline – Self-discipline, not teacher-imposed discipline, is the sure sign of a maturing learner. Each student will be given the freedom he/she earns or the structure he/she needs to fulfill the responsibilities to the best of his/her individual ability.

Academic Progress – Academic progress is monitored by the teacher but is driven by the individual student. A student’s progress from one level to the next is based on academic readiness, not chronological age or “seat time.” Upper School students may complete their course-work in three years, four years, or may need five years. Counterpane refuses to advance or graduate a student who has not proven academic readiness by an end-of-course grade of at least 75 in all college preparatory work.

Academic Environment – Counterpane offers an academic opportunity, not a social opportunity. Therefore, the daily focus must be an intellectual one. It would be counterproductive for students to pursue a social agenda in this environment. Although we encourage social activities outside the school, Counterpane is ultimately a place for academic learning. Building community to that end is our priority.

Romantic Relationships – An environment must be safe before it will encourage intellectual risk-taking. Counterpane is too small an environment for romantic involvement between students. Privacy is not possible with these numbers and such emotional exposure makes students vulnerable. Therefore, we insist that students maintain collegial relationships, which will ensure a dynamic environment in which they may be brave and open with their thoughts.

Academic Integrity – Counterpane students are responsible for completing all work to the best of their ability and are honor-bound not to lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do. They are to ensure the integrity of their own work as well as that of their peers.

Shared Responsibility – The ideal environment is one that facilitates learning, quality work, timeliness, cleanliness, kindness, and quiet, focused work habits. Students and teachers are equally responsible for sustaining and nurturing such an environment.

Parents’ Support – Your contract with Counterpane implies you have researched our program and our goals, and have made an informed decision to place your child in this environment. It is imperative that the family support decisions made by the school regarding their child, which are made to prepare students for future academic success as well as success in life. Parent initiative to stay in touch with their child’s progress is essential.